Consultant and Writer
Sonia Watson-Fowler is a consultant and writer, providing Executive and Education Inclusivity, Diversity and Effective Communication workshops and conflict mediation services. Her clients include: Students, School, FE and HE faculty, School, FE and HE Governors, Business and education establishment Trustees and Stakeholders and Business staff. Prior to embarking on her consultancy business, she was a legal caseworker, then spent over a decade working in Further Education. In this role she managed central college services and events, was a personal tutor and College Governor. During this time, she acquired an MA in Education, focussing on Effective Communication in Education comprising Teaching & Learning and Leadership & Management Postgraduate accreditations. In addition she performs acoustic sets and is a poet, providing commissioned works for private clients as well as bespoke pieces for individuals at social and business events.
She says:
‘Since founding Inclusive Communication Consultancy, I have worked with various establishments at different stages on the journey to cementing inclusion, equality and diversity in their organisational culture; it was immediately clear that Bird College is galvanised and ready to actively tackle the challenges, have the discussions that really matter and actually implement strategies affecting change – engaging in empathetic reflection and approaching issues of diversity from a human, not tick box perspective – as per my practice. During years of working with young people from diverse backgrounds, an essential truth for me has been the right for all individuals, regardless of their background, to have quality education and for those providing said education to be open to learning and evolving for the good of their students – putting them first. This organisation genuinely seeks to create and serve a more diverse cohort and curriculum. Therefore, I am honoured to be able to use my expertise to assist in this progression and was moved by the openness, appreciation and drive for change encountered in exchanges with staff and students.’