email address
choose a password
confirm password:
Name of Student
Course Start Date: dd/mm/yyyy
/ /
Date of Birth: dd/mm/yyyy
Age at commencement
I am under 18 at the start of the course
The name of my parent/guardian who will be responsible for the payment of fees/ECF fund is:
I am over 18 at the start of the course and I permit my parent/guardian to be responsible for my fees/ECF fund.
The name of my parent/guardian who will be responsible for the payment of fees/ECF fund, even though I am aged over 18 is:
I am over 18 and I am responsible for my own fees/ECF fund
Please note – the college will keep the student informed of late/non payment of fees/ECF fund so they are fully aware of the situation. This is essential as it is the student who will be affected by any sanctions which are imposed.
Please provide contact details for the person(s) to whom all invoices are to be forwarded. Correspondence will normally be via email. Students aged 18 and over are legally adults and therefore must give their permission for another person to pay fees/invoices on their behalf.
Person responsible for fees and invoicing details
Name and Title
Relationship to Student
Mobile Phone
Home Phone
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
If you are 18 years and over and have nominated someone other than yourself to pay your fees/invoices, please indicate in the declaration below.
I give permission for my fees/invoices to be paid by the person nominated above. When your form is submitted the date & time are recorded, as well as your IP address.
Student's Name
Please note – the college will keep the student informed of late/non payment of fees so they are fully aware of the situation. This is essential as it is the student who will be affected by any sanctions which are imposed.
The nominated person on the Invoices form will receive one invoice from the Finance Department, for the full amount of fees owed, at the start of the academic year.
Options for payment, in sterling only, are as follows:
Fees in full at the beginning of the academic year
Fees in three instalments at the start of each term
Fees in ten equal instalments payable by standing order with the first payment due at the time of enrolment (exact date to be advised)
Payment methods are as follows:
By debit or credit card (by telephone or in person)
By standing order
Select Payment term
—Please choose an option—In full at the beginning of the academic yearTermly in three instalmentsMonthly in 10 instalments
Select Payment method
—Please choose an option—By debit or credit card (by telephone or in person)By standing order to Barclays BankBy cash
Contact 1
Work Phone
Emergency Contact Number
Contact 2
Please provide us with your term time address below.
College approved landlady (for students under the age of 18)
All students to complete the section below
1. The College occasionally uses photographs and videos of students in its publicity material, theatre programmes and on the website. In accordance with government legislation the College is required to obtain parental consent for students under the age of 18 to appear in any such material. We would therefore ask that you sign below to confirm your consent.
Not ApplicableI giveI do not give my consent for Bird College to use photographs and videos of my son/daughter strictly for the purpose of publicity, in perpetuity.
2. Throughout the year students have the opportunity to take private singing lessons in addition to their timetabled classes. Students under the age of 18 must have parental consent to confirm that they can undertake these additional lessons, which are one to one in a practice room and taught by teachers who have a Disclosure and Barring Service DBS Check (formerly CRB check). Parents are also required to confirm that they are responsible for the cost of these lessons.
Not ApplicableI giveI do not give my consent for my son/daughter to have private singing lessons.
When this form is submitted the date & time are recorded, as well as your IP address.
I have checked my enrolment to ensure that I have completed all applicable sections, and that the information provided is accurate and truthful. I understand that if I have omitted relevant information it may affect the outcome of my enrolment.
Action, Select to Save or Submit: —Please choose an option—Save for laterSubmit to Admissions