Conservatoire for dance and musical theatre
Enrolment information and forms to return

Students who have successfully auditioned for the College, and have been offered a place on one of our courses, will already have received information about starting your course and studying at Bird College.

There is also an online form which needs to be completed by yourself (and in some instances countersigned by your parent, guardian or the person paying your fees). It is rather lengthy, but the information you provide is essential and ensures that we have a full understanding of your individual needs.

To access the form you will need to enter your details and the password into the panel below.  The password will be sent to you by email in July. 

You can choose to save the form if you are not able to complete it in one go. You will then receive an emailed link which enables you to retrieve the form and continue. Once the form has been fully completed you will be able to choose to submit it to the College Registry. You will then receive an emailed confirmation together with a copy of your form.


    First Name

    Last Name

    Email address

    Date of Birth (day/month/year) Day Month Year


    The information included in your Enrolment and Accommodation pack is the copyright property of Bird College and is solely for the use of enrolling students to Bird College. The information the packs contain is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended solely for the enrolling student. Access to, copying or re-use of any of the information in this pack by anyone other than the candidate is unauthorised.

    I understand and accept these conditions (tick box to accept):
